The Cyborg Handbook
by Chris Hables Gray (Editor), Heidi J. Figuroa-Sarriera, Steven Mentor, Heidi J. Figueroa-Sarriera

Broaden you view of cybernetics with this interesting collection of essays, projects and stories. This is an excerpt from the summary on the back of the book:

The Cyborg - short for cybernetic organism - is an entity that mixes the machinic and the organic, for example a creature that is part human and part machine. Today's technology is transforming and maybe eventranscending the human. People who have implanted pacemakers or attatched prostheses are certainly cyborgs. Even the millions of people whose immune systems have been reprogrammed to resist disease can beconsidered cyborgs. Cyborgs are everywhere, multiplying.
Website Graphics: The Best of Global Site Design
by William Velthoven, Jorinde Seijdel, Willem Velthoven

Excellent collection of really cool websites. Even mine :-) (on page 45)

Web Design Now
by Ken Coupland

Another collection of website design. Its all I can do to keep from passing it around for signatures because it feels more like a yearbook to me. Alot of the site designers in this book I had the pleasure of meeting or corresponding with in 1997. And I really like the 4 page spread the designer Robert Appleton made of my family project.

Dimensional Typography : Case Studies on the Shape of Letters in Virtual Environments (Kiosk Report)
by J. Abbott Miller

I can't stress to you enough how amazing this book is. Artfully designed and printed three dimensional studies of type elements. It's cool because as a designer it makes me see the typefaces I use everyday in a different light. Also the book as an object is a class act. Kudos to J. Abbot Miller for the design, writing, and research.

Caught in the Act : A Look at Contemporary Multimedia Performance
by C. Carr (Introduction), Dona Ann McAdams (Photographer)
Vrml 2.0 Sourcebook
by Andrea L. Ames, David R. Nadeau, John L. Moreland
The Annotated Vrml 2.0 Reference Manual
by Rikk Carey, Gavin Bell
Teach Yourself Vrml 2 in 21 Days
by Chris Marrin, Bruce Campbell