FOR INSPIRATION. I was at my computer the other day and I thought about how when I was younger I loved going to the Library. The Art books I could find there were a real inspiration. I would look up my favorite artists and spend hours studying their work. It was helpful because we didn't get much of the travelling art show scene in Indianapolis. Don't get me wrong the Indianapolis Museum of Art offered hours of entertainment but nothing compares to when I came to New York went to the Metropolitan and saw the surrealist masterworks of Ernst, Magritte, and Dali in person. Or when I almost cried at the site of a face to face with a gorgeous Degas pastel. Or when I went to Chicago and saw A Starry night by Van Gough or La Grande Jatte by Seurat in the flesh, so to speak. But as I was sitting there the other day the enormity of the potential that the internet has to educate people about fine art really hit home, if only it didn't suck. I just wish... there was more information about current and past exhibitions. I wish it were more like the library I loved in that you could get information and see the work of practically every artist you had ever heard of. Only on the internet it would be better because you could see the work in a current exhibition no matter where you are in the world. There wouldn't be this silly censorship that you get in local areas sometimes. I can remember one day I had checked out a book of photographs by Sally Mann that someone had taken offense to and ripped out and/or defaced many of the more interesting pictures, this could not happen on the net. Finally, I wish there were more information about artists of color because the web is a place where all art can be seen on equal footing and can be seen by a younger generation normally only exposed to the artifacts of the location where they live. Imagine being able to find out from those who lived it what the Harlem Renaissance was all about! I don't want to speak any more on this, I really want to show you. These are sites about the artists I most admire and whose work has inspired me over the years. Some of these sites may not be the best in design but I belive having the access to the work from home guided by curiosity alone is revolutionary and profound. |