These are sites that
have caught my eye lately.
Use this list to have a more
unusual web surfing experience.

Virtual Franklin Furnace
Since 1976 Franking Furnace Archive has been the place to see the best in Performance Art and Artists Books from the likes of Karen Finley, Ida Applebroog, Eric Bagosian and Laurie Anderson. Franklin Furnace has closed its doors and is now presenting performance and experimental work exclusively online through their website. Could this be the future of the Art Gallery system?

Zoe Beloff and the Wooster Goup Present:
A collaboration between Zoe Beloff and the Wooster Group based on the play, "Doctor Faustus Lights the Lights" by Gertrude Stein. This is a weekly experimental film serial with live performance component. Intense and atmospheric "CyberCineNoir".

My friend Phil in London did this and I really like it. Make sure you download his Tao Te Ching, I keep it on my desktop for instant wisdom access.

Ding An Sich
This refined bit of multimedia is the mechanics of Piotr Szyhalski (the Spleen) Examinations of the "thing itself"

Leonardo Online
Online exhibitions and inspirations.

Impressive technical and conceptual use of VRML by Mark Meadows at Construct. You've never seen anything like it.

They are defining a collective art theory on the web. Search the database to get links and thoughts. If you're a digital artist get on the mailing list because they send out emails that let you know of contests, interviews, and upcoming shows. Interesting and informative.

THE ENTROPY8 INDEX OF BEAUTIFUL SITES~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MY BOOKMARK FILE