THE ENTROPY8 INDEX OF BEAUTIFUL SITES~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MY BOOKMARK FILE

WELCOME TO THE VRML FEATURE. [133K] (If you need a plug-in I reccommend Intervista's WorldView.)

Virtual Space. No longer scrolling down the screen but scrolling into it. Freed from the constraints of 2d space on the web some really beautiful things have been done. VRML can be used for rooms like this one or for full scale animated stories. Some people would like to see a second web where everything is navigated through 3d spaces. It is a challenging language to learn but I hope that with time, and better software, VRML will become as ubiquitous as animated gifs.
As for this room, well.. I have been playing Tomb Raider alot lately... that is part of the inspiration. I really love that game. On another note it really burns me up that there are so few VRML tools for the Macintosh. The only 2.0 compliant editor is put out by ParaGraph but it is very limited compared to tools I have used for the PC or seen for Irix. There are no 2.0 plug-ins for the Mac either. <rant>Exactly who do they think does most of the design in this world anyway?</rant> :-0